Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The papers & random things?:)

Safe Work Procedure paper:

 Didn't do well. The question looked so EASY, but I find it hard to recall it. I cannot remember everything I've learnt but I'm glad I can always rely on my logical side. I answered it all based on my logic understanding. 
Emergency Response Planning: 
Yay!Am done with it just few hours ago. I'm glad I did much better than yesterday but there are some  of the little things that I cannot remember. Nevermind, as long as I can answer all question. It's a habit to never leave a blank space in the paper. Mum said "as long as you answered everything eventhough it's not a right answer but at least you're trying your best."

I know this is so random but feel free to try because I've tried it all for almost 1 month and I've lost 8KG. It worked. I liked it because it is so simple and there's no special exercise equipment needed except the yoga mat. Marin and her husband is a personal trainer, that's why~

I'm working out while watching korean drama yo! Multitasking is my speciality:) Enjoy!

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